So you are probably wondering why this post occurred at this instance. Well, today is the last day of Butter Week, or "empty of meat" as the translation goes. This is a pagan celebration for the coming of spring, the lengthening of days, and under the Orthodox church, the week previous to the 7 weeks of Lent. It means, lots of celebrating, lots of drinking, and today is Forgiveness day, where you ask everyone for fo
It was about 2 weeks ago, and I was leaving the subway to go to my classes at RGGU, and as I came off the escalator, there were two cops standing off to the side. I had to take a second look, as one of the men had a small Kalashnikov rifle slung over his sholder and his arms crossed on top of it. That day, I noticed that most of the police that I saw were armed with more than their usual baton. I don't know if there was a terrorist threat warning or something, but it was a little unnerving, as I am not used to seeing assault rifles being shown in the open like that. Whatever the case, it just goes to show some of the differences that I have noticed while I have been here in Moscow.
****A note on the St. Basil's photo (top): we were not allowed to be any closer that I took the picture from, but if you look at the railing around the cathedral, those are all police near the cathedral!!
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