Tuesday, April 28, 2009

To the person's comment

I never thought that I would get a comment that was more than about 3 lines long. On my previous post, I recieved a comment that I think was someone's entire blog about how the world is coming to an end because of Oprah, Dr. Phil, and the richest 1% of the nation. To me, it just looks like a rant. The same things are said over and over again, and call me a nerd, but where is the source of this information? I mean, really. If you want me to believe that Oprah, Dr. Phil and Ellen Degeneres are all conspiring with the 1% of richest people in the USA, show me the sources. I want concrete evidence! I've been taught to be skeptical of information sources, and I am skeptical of people, but its because I know that there can be hidden adgendas. Trust me, I would love it if Dr. Phil was really the root of all evil! It would be AMAZING! Well, mostly its because I can't stand Dr. Phil, but thats besides the point. If you want to read what that person wrote, check the comments on the previous post, then be prepared to be there a while. Its a long post.

My chalenge is this: whoever posted the comment, show me the sources, and I mean legitimate, scholarly, REAL sources where this conspiracy theory came from. If you can show me the sources, and they do indeed show what you are ranting about, then I might believe you. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. No- I'm not the ranter- and I admit, I gave up after the first six inches of text. But- I think he makes some valid points. (Yes, I am a fan of conspiracy theories, to a certain extent) The problem is- when it's the wingnuts that are the only ones willing to speak out- it makes us all sound crazy. The top 1% of the nation holds between 40 and 50% of the nation's wealth. Stated cooly and only once- doesn't that make you stop and think? (No, I can't back it up with sources, but I've heard it enough times to bet it's not too far off the mark.) Does one person- or even a family- really need three or four mansions? Does that really equate to happiness, health and overall wellbeing? Really?

