Monday, May 25, 2009

Mother Nature is pissed?

Has it occurred to anyone else that maybe all of the epidemics we are facing are mother nature's way of population control? In the past, these epidemics would run rampant killing thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands. It kept the population of the planet pretty low. With the way we live today, we are sucking everything out of the earth because there are too many people. We are draining aquifers for irrigation, turning farmland into desert due to over production and poor farming practices, polluting rivers and water sources that we drink from due to farming and industry. I have heard it said that some scientists think that the earth is already over populated, that 3 billion was about all that would be sustainable on the earth. Well, we are approaching 7 billion, so what does this mean? It seems that mother nature is fighting back, trying to get us under control again. Why else would these viruses and diseases be jumping from animals to humans? We had avian flu, now swine flu, plus there was SARS, and I am sure others as well. Just something to think about.

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