Monday, March 9, 2009


I just have to say, I think that it is sad that there could be so many things to see here, and yet I see Red Bull, McDonalds, Levi jeans, Dodge cars and SUV's, and even Hummer and Escalade limos. I thought that there was no Russian market for these things and therefore were not going to exist here. I was hoping to see Russia for what it is, not its reflection of American Culture. I had a discussion with a prof about globalization and how it is more than likely to lead to more conflict because people are going to want to preserve their nationality from the influx of other cultures. This influx comes from the Internet, breaking down of tarriffs and laws preventing international business, and the ability of people to travel half way around the world in a matter of hours, rather than in days/months. My prof also made a comment that there is a view that globalization is the domination of American culture on the rest of the world. While this hurts, since I am American, I really can see the truth in it. I mean, the USA is a world's largest economy, and it does business all over the world, spreading the idea that fast food, cheap jeans, and stuff in a can thats going to kill you is all good for you, and the rest of the world to boot. I suppose, thats what you get when the borders for businesses are broken down, and it is mixed with good ol' American capitalism. I'm not saying that our system is the best, and I am certainly not saying it is the worst, but sometimes I am ashamed of the things that are brought overseas to represent America, American people, and the "American dream".

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