Monday, March 16, 2009

R-Rated movies for kids?

Okay, so first off, I went to see Watchmen for my birthday on Saturday. It was awesome, even though I did not understand a lot of it. I think I got the basic jist of the movie, and could surmise the rest by the actions of the characters and the few words I did know. Once I stopped trying to translate every word I heard that I thought I should know, I felt like I started to understand more, and maybe thats just because I wasn't thinking "Wait, what did that word mean again...shit, there was another word I should know... damn what did he say again?" As you can see, its quite a distracting train of thought! haha. In any case, I am planning to see the movie again some time, whether in English or Russian, I dont know, we will see (but probably in Enlgish when it comes out on DVD state-side).
Now on to my point in writing this entry! My cousin asked me about censorship in Russia. Obviously, they have no problem showing movies with gory, bloody, graphic violence and sex scenes that leave little to imagine. There also, as far as I can tell, are no age limits to who can get into movies. The kids that were sitting next to me were no older than about 12. I think one of them was about 8. This was NOT a movie for kids. I was even a good bit uncomfortable with the graphicness of the movie. I kinda though that i was going to have gross, scary dreams that night, but I was spared. Im sure those kids had nightmares though! I remember going to see Jurrasic Park for my sister's birthday, and while I was about 8 for that movie, it wasn't that bad, and I was there with my family, parents included. These kids seemed to be accompanied by only one adult, and I think that they really didnt know what to expect from the film. I think that the kids were not really into it either, sice they left half way through. I was happy they left, partly because I thought that they were much too young to be watching the movie in the first place, but secondly because they started talking after about a quarter of the movie, and I was having trouble hearing what was being said in the movie vs. what was being said beside me. It is really difficult for me to listen to a Russian language movie with people blathering on in Russian in my ear. Hopefully though, this is not a regular occurance, as kids should not see this movie. Its an adult movie, obviously R-rated in the states. Apparently censorship of movies is not done, but news/tv/journalism is censored. Go figure, right?

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