Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ego boost!!!

Well, so today was a great ego boost. I was talking to a Russian girl who worked at the summer camp that I work at in the summers, and she was asking me how my Russian was, so I spoke with her some in Russian, and she was very amused, I think because of my American accent. She did say, though, that my Russian was pretty good, and I was really easy to understand, so it was a nice ego boost. Those are always good when you are trying to learn a foreign language. We are also planning on getting together, and we are going to talk in Russian so that I can improve my Russian, and also in English so that she can improve her language skills.

I also got to get together with the Director of the summer camp where I work. He is in Moscow on business, hiring staff for the summer. It was really nice to get together with a person I know, and even though it was a few hours, it was still nice. Plus, I love hanging out with Roger. He's such a riot to hang out with. Definitely a really cool person, and I am so glad that I am going back to camp this summer. We talked about a lot of the changes he was hoping to make, and now I am really looking forward to summer, even more than I already was. I've had a countdown going since about November for the return to camp. Yea, thats how much I love camp!!

1 comment:

  1. that must've been awesome, meeting up with rog....
    I miss camp!
